Ask Your Value-Added-Reseller About Their Email Filter


Email is an absolute necessity. You need to receive the emails that are sent from real business partners, and none of the spam or phishing attacks that aim at corporate data. You also need a dependable 24-7-365 service (including the extra day on a leap year).


The best move you can make is to push email to a safe, trusted environment, rather than take on the risk internally. Whether that move is to a value-added reseller (VAR), like Centerpoint, or to Microsoft 365, or to DIY the thing, yourself, the end goal is stellar, uninterrupted service.

Email Filter in the Cloud

When our clients choose Microsoft, often, it is because they want Microsoft Office Suite. 365 is a great service for that reason. But if you do choose an internal server, or a VAR, then the first question to ask is: what filter do they use?


Using a cloud-based filter does two really important things. First, it improves the level of service by ensuring the communications you want to receive make it through the filter, while blocking unwanted spam and hacking attempts. Second, a cloud filter can actually double as a backup email service, should your regular server go down. Obviously, you do not want the primary service to go down, but the filter adds security.


We implement a Best-of-Breed filtering product – McAfee SaaS Email Protection and Continuity – which collects the mail before it goes to the mail server, so businesses can still retrieve their mail no matter what happens. This allows you to treat your email like any other utility – electricity, gas, Internet – and rely on it without thinking twice about whether service will be interrupted.


Why McAfee? And What Should You Choose?

McAfee has the best false positive rate, meaning that it is the best at delivering mail to your inbox that should be there. And the service comes with a security countermeasure that will recognize when one of your machines starts to spam, and immediately notify us, the administrator. We can then stop the problem before it leads to any real damage, such as blacklisting.

That covers our email, and many of our clients who choose our email service. But we also recommend Microsoft 365, internal clouds, etc. Your choice depends upon your business’ needs and your desired outcomes.