Does Your Business Have A Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan?

Centerpoint IT recently held a webinar to discuss the importance of having a thorough and reliable Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan in place to protect your business from the devastation that data loss can cause.

Hardware failure or a malware infection can be much more than just an inconvenience. Data loss routinely costs small and mid-sized businesses thousands of dollars, and if the situation can’t be remedied quickly, many of these businesses find themselves closing their doors permanently.

I highly recommended you watch our webinar recording (see below). This half-hour presentation offers a comprehensive look at the threat data loss poses to all businesses, as well as the steps you can take to protect your business from becoming yet another statistic.

If you have questions or concerns about where your business stands when it comes to Disaster Recovery, or would like to find out how Centerpoint IT can help, reach out to me at or (404) 781-0200. I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you.