Keeping Our Clients Connected During The Coronavirus Pandemic

With the Coronavirus pandemic, now is the time to embrace social distancing, but what does this mean for businesses throughout Atlanta?

How Centerpoint IT Keeps Our Clients Working, Connected, and Engaged During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Now Is The Time to Embrace Social Distancing, But What Does This Mean for Businesses Throughout Atlanta?

On March 11, 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) labeled coronavirus as a pandemic. There have been over 170,000 cases around the world with the cases rising to 99 in Georgia. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms recently announced that she’s declared a state of emergency in Metro Atlanta. The city is taking the coronavirus spread seriously, and as such, Centerpoint IT is doing the same. The number one question we’ve heard over the past couple of weeks: “How do I keep my employees working, connected, and engaged during this difficult time?

Our team is taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously. We are here to help local businesses keep their employees working, connected, and engaged during this difficult time. Keep reading to find out more and call us at (404) 777-0147 to get started.

There are four solutions we highly recommend for remote work and our team is ready to assist you with implementing these solutions:

1. A Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN gives your employees the ability to connect remotely in a secure fashion. This is especially important for those working from home who may not have secure devices, including desktops, laptops, and other devices, that are equipped with the right cybersecurity tools. A VPN allows your employees to access local or virtual desktops through a secure, encrypted tunnel that can’t be intercepted.

2. A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

A VDN is a virtual or remote desktop that allows you to run your own desktop somewhere else, whether it’s on your own server or in a data center. Your users can connect to their work desktops from their home desktops – giving them access to all of the same applications, settings, and browser interface as they’d have at home.

3. The Cloud

You’ve likely heard of the cloud by now. Chances are, you’re using the cloud to some degree. Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, and Google G Suite are all examples of cloud computing. But many users aren’t using all of the features available to them. For instance, Microsoft Teams, available through Microsoft Office 365, has fantastic remote work capabilities, including video conference calling, file sharing, and more. We can help you navigate those.

4. VoIP

VoIP, also known as voice over IP, is a form of business phone systems that allow you to make and receive calls over the internet as opposed to traditional copper wiring. You can maintain a smooth, reliable connection with access to enterprise-grade features, such as voicemail to email, find-me-follow-me, and more. Our main product line, Allworx, offers an app known as Reach that enables you to turn your smartphone into a desk phone.

Centerpoint IT is able to assist with implementing any or all of the above to keep your workforce connected during this difficult time. Keep an eye out for more details from us in upcoming videos or contact us at (404) 777-0147 now.