Seven Things You Need To Know About Cloud Computing

Seven Things To Know About Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage

Every question the non-IT professional should be asking to understand whether to switch to using cloud processing, cloud security, and cloud storage services.  

Steve Jobs believed in starting with the customer experience and working back to the technology. However, we also know that consumers do not adopt new technologies at the same rate. That means innovators most often focus on the customer experience of early adopters and create technology for that crowd. The challenge then becomes effectively communicating that technology to the rest of the consumer groups.

Here are a few things people outside IT may not know about cloud computing.

Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage Atlanta GA

What Exactly Is The Cloud?

The most fundamental concept in cloud computing is understanding the definition of the cloud. The “cloud” is a term used for computer services delivered to the user through the internet. This is in contrast to computer services provided through on-site physical machines.

What Kind Of Services Can Be Delivered Through The Cloud?

Right now, pretty much any service you can get through your computer equipment can be delivered through the cloud. That includes data storage, processing, security, and networking capabilities.

How Secure Is The Cloud?

Unfortunately, security is always an ongoing concern with any computer or networking service. Ultimately, the responsibility for security is shared between the cloud host and the user. Consumers will need to carefully guard passwords and avoid accessing the cloud through unsecured public networks. Using a reputable IT company to manage your cloud services is the best way to remain secure. IT professionals will stay informed regarding the latest security tools and cloud hacking threats.

Is Using The Cloud Expensive?

One of the main advantages of using cloud-based computing is the ability to scale service. Most cloud hosts allow consumers to select monthly plans based on the level of processing or storage resources needed. That means choosing more or fewer services can be as simple as adjusting your strategy. With physical equipment, every change requires a significant investment in physical electronics.

Should I Use The Cloud?

In addition to scalability, cloud-based resources can also be more stable and easier to maintain. If your physical server fails or is unable to handle a workload, your company might experience a production halt. Most virtual servers can seamlessly manage processing resources to prevent any downtime.

Virtual servers can also make migrations and software updates easier, especially for organizations with servers in multiple locations. Contact an IT professional for a personal review of your needs to determine which option is best.

What If I Don’t Want Everything On The Cloud?

For those that do not wish to move their entire technology architecture to the cloud, hybrid solutions do exist. It is possible to store sensitive data on a private server but use cloud-based processing and networking services. It is also possible to create a private cloud for your organization to handle confidential client information while maintaining public clouds for all other services. Again, only an IT professional can assess your company and create a hybrid plan that meets your needs.

How Can I Access The Cloud

One of the other advantages of using a cloud-based service is access. If you are using a private network, you may only be able to reach your database from a computer within your office on the network. Cloud-based computing may allow you to connect to your technology resources from anywhere with an internet connection. That can provide employees with the freedom to work from home. It can also make offsite meetings more natural and more productive. Many services can be configured so that they can be accessed from any end-user device, including cell phones or tablets.

More Information

Having a general understanding of cloud computing is the first step. The only way to know if cloud-based resources are right for you is to schedule a free consultation. You can trust Centerpoint IT to manage all your business technologies.

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