Cloud Services Keep You Agile


You are growing quickly, so quickly in fact, that you can hardly keep up the pace. Every week it seems another employee is joining your team, requiring a new workstation and training. The IT infrastructure you are working with is starting to slow down. Occasionally, it freezes up, resulting in downtime that your team cannot afford.

You would invest in a new server, but the investment would be too bulky. Not only would it divert resources you need NOW, it might also prove ineffectual in short order. You might outgrow it, or you could hit a ceiling and stall, rendering the purchase unsustainable and unused.

Elasticity Supports Agile Methodology

Swapping out a computer is annoying but easy in comparison to pulling out your processors and memory for a new server. We are one of the fastest IT service providers in Atlanta, and we top out at 2 weeks between the time you walk in the door to full business functionality. That can be too long for small businesses, or any business that might be required to go through the same process in a year.

Cloud solutions can benefit any business in a volatile market. The solution you order grows with you, so there is no need to worry about whether your IT infrastructure will be the appropriate size for tomorrow’s traffic. New services can be turned on in minutes, and old services can be disconnected as soon as you no longer require them. And you can access your services from any device, from workstation to iPhone.

We can hook you up to any combination of the following, and more:

  • Microsoft 365
  • Hosted Exchange
  • Email Archiving
  • Email Filtering
  • Offsite Backup
  • Offsite Business Continuity
  • Virtual Desktop in the Cloud
  • Virtual Servers
  • Docusign and other applications
  • Sharepoint,, and other services to help your workers collaborate
  • Phone Systems for versatile communications
  • Adobe products

If you have any questions about what these products can do for your business, or do not see a product you are interested in, please give us a call at (404) 777-0147.