Network Security

Don’t put your business at risk. Network security and cybersecurity solutions by Centerpoint IT.

Cybercrime is an ever-present threat to modern businesses. Without up-to-date and varied security measures, successful hacks can compromise your customers’ and employees’ sensitive data and harm your systems, resulting in costly downtime.

To learn more about network security solutions from Centerpoint IT, give us a call at (404) 781-0200 or send us an email at


Why Does Your Business Need Cyber Security?

Small businesses should be especially wary of cyber criminals as they often target smaller operations on the assumption that there will be less effective IT security measures in place.
Inadequate security can result in serious consequences for your business, including:


Data Theft: Whether it’s your employees’ personal information or that of your customers, insufficient security will leave it all vulnerable to external threats.

Brand Reputation: No matter what kind of damage control you attempt after a successful hack, your company’s brand will never be the same, which will affect your profitability and potential down the line.

Further Costs: The cost of damage control, loss of business and any hefty fines for industry compliance violations will only add to your troubles after your business has been hacked.

What Does Centerpoint IT Do To Keep You Safe?

Centerpoint is proud to offer our clients a fully-managed security solution with end user reporting. We offer comprehensive security measures as a part of our service offering to see to every possible vulnerability in your IT infrastructure, including:

  • cisco

    Email filtering, encryption, and continuity services via GFIMail and MX Logic to ensure that your lines of communication are dependable.

  • office_365

    Full management of your WiFi with Bluesocket technology to keep your staff connected and productive.

  • amazon

    We use Sonicwall solutions to keep your network secure from external threats with
    their proven firewall technology, with or without Global
    management and reporting as need be.

  • fortinet

    In order to keep dangerous viruses from infecting your IT systems, we use GFIMax and MAXfocus’ reliable security technology for managed antivirus and antimalware protection.

  • steadfast

    We offer a valuable Employee Monitoring Service with Veriato technology to ensure your staff is using business hours and resources in a productive manner.

  • fortinet

    Our custom Storage Craft solution and offsite service will ensure that you have a recent and secure copy of your vital data in the event that your onsite system is comprised, which helps mitigate the risks of disasters and cybercrime.

  • steadfast

    We provide penetration testing from a trusted 3rd party vendor to assess your security measures against a range of intrusive methods and techniques.

Keep your business secure against cybercrime.

To protect your business’ network against any digital threats, contact Centerpoint IT at (404) 781-0200 or today for more information.

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