Keep Your Business Connected

Having more than one location for your business may be necessary, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

As your company grows, additional clients, employees and revenue will require you to add a new location or two to your business, and it’s certainly a sign that your business is moving in the right direction, but with it comes a whole new set of challenges.

Business IT Services

The primary challenge is your I.T.; whereas data storage, cloud configuration and business phone networking were a simple matter before, it’s not quite as easy when you account for a new office that’s miles away. That’s why you need Centerpoint.

Centerpoint is a trusted provider of I.T. support for multi-location businesses in your area. When you choose us as your partner in I.T. and business, you gain a valuable resource to help you solve the daily, frustrating problems that come with managing a business with multiple offices. Our team of I.T. professionals will provide you with a range of vital services, including:

  • Active monitoring of your I.T. systems around-the-clock to detect and resolve issues immediately, before they result in costly disruption or downtime.
  • Management of system updates and patches to ensure your software is current, without needing constant attention from you or your staff.
  • Managed anti-virus and anti-malware solutions to keep your business secure from digital threats.
  • Prepaid labor hours to have our expert technicians identify and resolve issues remotely or on site at your business as need be.
  • A la carte services as need be, such as managed firewall, backup capability, cloud services and much more.

Do what’s right for your business’ many locations. Centerpoint is the trusted I.T. support company for multi-location businesses in Atlanta; get in touch with our team at (404) 781-0200 or today.