Professional Communications 101: When Is It Appropriate to Text a Customer?


Texting is the modern-day equivalent of “The Bat Phone.” It is a surefire way for your message to be received  instantly – and quickly viewed. In a business meeting, you can text your coworkers to spread ideas about the presentation, or the presenter. You can send these internal professional communications instantly and silently.


But what gives a business the RIGHT to jump over all communications barriers and dial that fire-engine-red phone? Under what conditions will a customer be grateful and accepting versus affronted or annoyed?


#1 Texting for Convenience

Megabus texts. As soon as a customer books a ticket through, the system will text the ticket information. This allows the customer to easily pull up the ticket code and show it to the driver, rather than looking through a slew of emails to find the right one.


Megabus offers this communications delivery method as a CHOICE to its customers. An opt-out button might provide the needed level of customer buy-in.


#2 Texting for Time-Sensitivity

If someone has timely information, then you would rather they communicate that information in the most effective way possible. If you are shipping a product, then you might enable text to communicate delivery details. If an event is canceled near the start time, text is most definitely appropriate.


#3 Texting Is Personal

Your customers pay for your services or products because you provide them with a personal benefit. This means that communications regarding your product or service are fair game for texts. Inc. suggests texting clients when a job is complete, or when a product is successfully updated. Good news isn’t likely to annoy, and it can take the relationship to the next level.


#4 Text instead of Voicemail

Everyone is different, but it is safe to say that texting has replaced voicemail as the way to leave important messages. Even if your customers do not immediately see your text, they will be sure to see it the next time they look at their phone. And rather than an obscure message they have to pull up and listen to, they can conveniently see and understand the details.

Have a customer texting story? Please weigh in on this discussion by leaving a comment. We would be happy to hear what you have to say and talk about it in the future.