Why Shift to a Remote Workforce in Atlanta?


Flexibility and adaptability are two of your greatest assets in the modern business world, where markets and policy are developing at Mach 3. And though telecommuters in your workforce open up new options for your business strategy, these general concerns do not even begin to tap the real, competitive advantages that firms with telecommuting positions have over those without them.

Global Workplace Analytics recently produced an extensive list of the costs and benefits of telecommuting, which they collated from more than 500 studies on real-world companies that have used telecommuting positions to generate some of their productivity.

As a technology firm who helps firms install and manage these systems, we were not surprised that the ability to work remotely helps workers and employers optimize their schedules and reduce waste. Employers can use the ability to work from home as a substantial perk.

One poll of 1,500 showed that over a third of respondents were willing to concede 10% of their salary to be able to work from home. Over a third also said they would take the ability to telecommute over a pay raise. And 80% would look at the ability to work from home as a perk. Counterintuitively, the ability to work from home also reduces attrition rates. Of all the employers surveyed, 95% said that telework has a high impact on employee retention.

In cities like Atlanta, where commuting is commonplace, telework carries an even greater advantage – not only for the employee/employer, but also reduces traffic, pollution and inefficiencies that are holding back our economy. In the 2011 Microsoft Survey, Work without Walls, Atlanta was given the top rating – just inches in front of Dallas, Texas – for being the city most conducive to telework.

Have you seen the traffic lately?

As a technology firm that has helped many companies like yours support telecommuting for the employees who need it, we have seen these benefits open new opportunities for companies, improve customer service and expand your talent pool. Our phone services can connect you with employees in San Francisco and make it seem as though they were across the hall. That goes for you and any customer who needs a question answered.

Read our last blog for an example of how our advanced telephone systems improve your customer service.